A Hybrid

In this weeks Wednesday rotation with Stuart Henley, we talked about hybrids. A hybrid is a combination of two or more different things aimed at achieving a particular objective or goal.

Our next one week brief was to take an aspect of our work and mix it with an aspect of someone else’s that we had seen in our group crits.

I decided to keep my use of 3D paper objects and incorporate the subject of anti aliasing.

Anti aliasing smooths the edges of shapes in computer graphics. Each pixel has a different gradient depending on how much of the pixel is taken up by the shape. It just makes the shape look smooth instead of jagged. If the resolution of an image is reduced to a small number, the anti aliasing becomes clear.

For example, when zoomed out the shapes look solid and the edges have a smooth curve but when zoomed in they are all pixelated:
anta alias alphabet 2

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