Rotated Type 90 degrees.

December 14, 2009

After doing the previous rotating experiment, I decided to rotate the type at a different angle within each square. I used the same grid as before, trying both solid and outlined characters.

I think the rotated solid characters looks interesting, it reminds me of tyre tracks from lego cars.

Rotated Type – Outline

December 7, 2009

Whilst making the rotated typeface in the previous post, I wanted to experiment using type with an outline instead of solid colour.
I think it is still recognisable as a typeface, as the black lines point in the right direction since the squares in the grid were rotated 180 degrees. The white space within each character helps to depict the shape.

Rotated Type

December 7, 2009

Whilst looking at this blog I realised that I only had a print screen from rhino to show the middle step for the 3D characters. I had rotated the a few letters, but I really liked how the whole alphabet looked. I based the grid on that of the existing rhino grid and how I had placed the characters in it. They are not exactly the same as the 3D model, but the grid of each letter has been kept constant, so the result is very similar. The x height is based on a 6×7 grid with 2 squares ascending and descending. Primarily I made the characters black on a white background but decided to invert it as this accentuates what was the negative space, which helps the viewer to interpret each character.

Vertical/Horizontal experiment

November 24, 2009

I have been working a lot recently with the pixelated type that I based the anti alias type on. I wanted to create more type that uses the theory that that further away it is, the more legible it becomes.


November 11, 2009

Now I am a bit confused about what to do next. I have been really inspired by topographical landscapes and 3D information.

I found a website where a gradient image can be downloaded of parts of Britain to represent relief. The darker the gradient, the higher that particular piece of land is above sea level. With an image like this it is possible to extrude the hight from the gradient on software like Unity. However this can be done at the click of a button and after that I am not sure where i would take it.

Maybe an animation to show the transitions as that is what the aspect that I have liked the most about these experiments.


November 10, 2009

Leading on from the wooden letters I wanted to experiment to investigate into how far an image can be taken apart before it becomes unrecognisable. I still like the idea of pixels and objects being split up into squares so I decided to play around with rotating each individual square to see if the overall image can still be depicted.


After using this image, I decided have used type as it is an international symbol that is instantly recognised by everyone and there may be more space for experimentation.

a 4x4
a 7x7
a 14x14

b 4 x 6
b 7x7
b 14 x 20

These are quite similar to anti aliasing in that the more pixels there are, the clearer each character is.

I quite like them as a transition.
a transition
b transition